My GAME plan has gone both well and not so well. The good part is that my students are LEARNING TO TYPE! Even when they are not working on their lessons they are careful about where their fingers should be. It is always exciting to see them working hard on it. The not-so-well part has been incorporating current events. This part week was the first time I have been able to do it. I did find two relevant articles this week, so that was a huge improvement. The first one we read was about how schools are looking to ban Flamin' Hot Cheetos. This has been an ongoing conversation in my classroom, healthy versus unhealthy snacks. So it sparked up quite the conversation. The other time, we were discussing the Great Shake-Out and the importance of taking drills seriously. To read about how many other places were involved in this drill and why other people saw it as important helped that conversation move along. I was proud that I was able to do it this week, but there is lots of work to be done in that department.
As far as immediate changes, we just added Edmodo to our classes technology usage. It is a fun class website, similar to Facebook. One perk of it is I can set the setting so that all posts have to be approved by me before they are posted for everyone else to see. The students enjoy picking their own picture and I enjoy that they are excited about posting about the readings they are doing and the other topics in class we are discussing.
Overall, this class has me thinking about the here and now and the adjustments that can be made. It also showed me that baby steps are still steps, and you need to do the best you can.
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